Moving to a new home can be stressful for a lovebird. Try to make sure the area around your bird is calm and quiet and be careful not to make any sudden movements or loud noises around your bird at this vulnerable stage. The next step in forming a bond with your lovebird is becoming a part of a flock together, and the simplest way of doing this is sharing meals. In the wild, these birds will eat all their meals with members of their flock, and you’ll want to try to mimic that to help build trust.
Try to gently rub your bird’s beak, scratch the back of their head, or help them out with a few loose pinfeathers. This grooming will also help get them accustomed to handling and is a great way to build trust. You may also want to offer treats or toys to reward good behavior, which will help reinforce positive associations with your home.
It may take some time for your love bird to be comfortable around you and trust you, so make sure you give it enough time to get used to your presence. You need to dedicate at least an hour a day of one-on-one time with your lovebird. The more time that you spend with your bird, the more they’ll see you as a trusted friend. it is essential to remain patient and consistent throughout the bonding process.